“Indiana” is a private play-school, called after little indians, established in 1997 to
serve the social and educational needs of toddlers and pre-school children from the Croatian and international community of Zagreb.
We believe that helping children to develop is a tremendous responsibility, therefore we offer a variety of elements to encourage your children to learn, grow
and be happy.
Children have different styles of learning, as well as different needs and motivations, therefore in our play-school “Indiana” each child is treated as an individual.
We offer you:
- professional day-care program with experienced teachers from Monday to Friday,
- full time and part time, in English and Croatian language (for toddlers and
- pre – school children)
- playing game
- creative activities
- development of 5 major areas – physical, social, emotional, cognitive skills language
As part of our afternoon curriculum, we offer you:
- English lessons for pre – schoolers and school children
- modern dance and balet dance classes
- creative art workshops
- guitar and piano lessons
- tae–kwan–do classes
- in our children's disco club, we organize your birthday party that you'll never
Therefore, if You need more information, please call us at
098 907 5277
(01) 389 0006